adequate adj. 1.适当的;足够的,充分的。 2.恰当,胜任的。 3.尚可的,差强人意的。 give only an adequate performance 演出仅差强人意。 adequate for 适合;足够。 adequate to (one's needs) 敷(用),够(用)。 adequate to (one's post) 胜(任)。 The supply is not adequate to the demand. 供不应求。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
When nutrients have been depleted , addition of adequate fertilizers can reverse the trend of soil organic matter depletion 养分耗竭后,施用足量肥料能逆转土壤有机质耗竭的趋势。
Adequate fertilizer use lifts profits and stabilizes income , which are personal benefits required to create confidence and larger opportunities for the future 充足的施肥增加利润,提高收入的稳定性,这些是为将来创造自信和较大机会所需的个人利益。
As time progresses , the opportunity cost of ignoring the benefits of adequate fertilizer use increase and the ability to repair soil quality declines and thus becomes more costly 随着时间的推移,忽视充分施用肥料效益的机会成本就会增加,改良土壤质量的能力就会下降,改良的成本也会提高。